Build in-demand skills & earn £70k

Even if you’re completely new to a career in IT, have no coding knowledge, Computer Science or IT qualifications...



Build in-demand skills & earn £70k

Even if you’re completely new to a career in IT, have no coding knowledge, Computer Science or IT qualifications...


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Just like these past students did!

From Accountant to DevOps Engineer with 3 job offers in 5 months, Justin now earns £70K

From ZERO IT to DevOps Engineer and Certified AWS SA Associate. Isaac has been offered a job with a starting salary of £75K

From UK lawyer to DevOps Engineer, at nearly double the salary! Fred has been offered work starting at £70K


Just like these past students did!

From UBER driver to DevOps Engineer with 3 job offers in 5 months, Justin now earns £75K

From ZERO IT to AWS SA Associate Issac has been offered a job with a starting salary of £80K

From UK lawyer to DevOps Engineer, at nearly double the salary! Fred has been offered work starting at £70K

Why DevOps and Cloud Computing are in such high demand

For continuous business growth, companies need their product lines always up
everything running smoothly. 
The DevOps/Cloud Engineering process and culture help organizations move more quickly and eļ¬€iciently through the software development life cycle.

Image of Happy DevOps Cloud Engineering workers celebrating

DevOps Engineering provides a collaborative environment between developers, system administrators, and operators. The goal is to improve the speed and quality of software releases. The benefits of DevOps include improved eļ¬€iciency, quality, security, and responsiveness to changes – and can be used for any type of project, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Cloud engineering as a subset of DevOps focuses on building, managing, and deploying cloud-based applications. and includes techniques for optimizing application performance and managing security risks in a cloud-based infrastructure.

Why DevOps and Cloud Computing are in such demand

For continuous business growth, companies need their product lines always up and everything running smoothly. 

The DevOps/Cloud Engineering process and culture help organizations move more quickly and eļ¬€iciently through the software development life cycle.

DevOps engineering provides a collaborative environment between developers, system administrators, and operators. The goal is to improve the speed and quality of software releases. The benefits of DevOps include improved eļ¬€iciency, quality, security, and responsiveness to changes – and can be used for any type of project, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Cloud engineering as a subset of DevOps focuses on building, managing, and deploying cloud-based applications. and includes techniques for optimizing application performance and managing security risks in a cloud-based infrastructure.

4 Great Reasons to Switch to a DEVOPS Career Today!


High number of unfilled job vacancies

A shortage of qualified engineers has led to higher than average starting salaries. DevOps skills are in high demand and 54% of IT recruiters report they are unable to fill at least one position.


Flexible working opportunities

The majority of DevOps Roles are either Fully or Partially Remote. This means you can work from home or anywhere in the world and enjoy better work-life balance - and have more family time.


High salary and great benefits

DevOps engineers earn a good salary but it is influenced by your level of experience, the company you work for, and the location of the job. Many DevOps professionals enjoy a very good benefits package.


Job security with a future-proof career

The need for technology, especially in areas such as cloud computing and cybersecurity, increased as the world’s workers went remote. And IT professionals, in a 2021 Skillsoft IT report, feel secure in their jobs.

IS A DEVOPS CAREER RIGHT FOR YOU? Download the Guide to find out!

4 Great Reasons to Switch to a DEVOPS Career Today!

High number of unfilled job vacancies

A shortage of qualified engineers has led to higher than average starting salaries. DevOps skills are in high demand and 54% of IT recruiters report they are unable to fill at least one position.

Flexible working opportunities

The majority of DevOps Roles are either Fully or Partially Remote. This means you can work from home or anywhere in the world and enjoy better work-life balance - and have more family time.

High salary and great benefits

DevOps engineers earn a good salary but it is influenced by your level of experience, the company you work for, and the location of the job. Many DevOps professionals enjoy a very good benefits package.

Job security with a future-proof career

The need for technology, especially in areas such as cloud computing and cybersecurity, increased as the world’s workers went remote. And IT professionals, in a 2021 Skillsoft IT report, feel secure in their jobs.

IS A DEVOPS CAREER RIGHT FOR YOU? Download the Guide to find out!

Hear from our past students

Successful DevOps/Cloud Engineering Student

They are patient with you, listen to your questions and go the extra mile to help you.


Successful DevOps/Cloud Engineering Student

They understand that we are all coming from different backgrounds so they break it down to your level so that you really understand the course.


Successful DevOps/Cloud Engineering Student

They don’t only care about you passing the course; they’re also there to help with interviews, and then make sure you have a job.


This programme is for you if you are


Group of people excited to learn to become DevOps Engineers
  • You are sick and tired of struggling to find a job
  • You feel stuck in a job you hate
  • You feel frustrated by an endless cycle of working too hard and earning too little
  • You are desperate to swap the long, time-sucking commute to work with full or partially remote work
  • You have hit a salary barrier in your current profession which you can't seem to break through
  • You are well educated but stuck in a low paying job that doesn't match your skills, years of education or experience
  • You are ready to transition out of military service or current season of life and ready for a new career
  • You are ready to advance your career and build new skills that are in high demand in the workplace

How Julius completely changed his life... and you can too!

From ZERO IT background to 3 DevOps Engineer job offers

And now a part-time Instructor here at CloudRock.

I did the course for about 5 months and got 3 job offer from top IT companies. The course is rewarding, with well taught syllabus. They teach things students need to know to get a job, so it is well structured - students are checked to see if they’re ready to go into the market.

And they mentor you, give interview tips which did help me as I was prepped way in advance. In general, I was pushed to put effort in to come out with the best, and that always pays!

Now, I’m working in the field. 

Successful CloudRock Academy student and DevOps Engineer

How Julius completely changed his life... and you can too!

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From ZERO IT background to 3 DevOps Engineer job offers

And now a part-time Instructor here at CloudRock.

I did the course for about 5 months and got 3 job offers from top IT companies. The course is rewarding, with well-taught syllabus. They teach things students need to know to get a job, so it is well structured - students are checked to see if they’re ready to go into the market.

And they mentor you, and give interview tips which did help me as I was prepped way in advance. In general, I was pushed to put effort in to come out with the best, and that always pays!

Now, I’m working in the field. 

Download this ULTIMATE GUIDE Today and Discover if this High-paying Career is Right for you!

New to DevOps and Cloud Engineering? Want to upskill and enter this lucrative field?

Guide to a Highly Paid Career In DevOps/Cloud Engineering

The job market for DevOps Engineers is extremely hot right now. There are far more job vacancies than qualified candidates leading to very high salaries and great job benefits even for people new in the DevOps field.

This easy-to-understand, life-changing free guide will walk you through the world of DevOps and Cloud Engineering so you can discover how this exciting Career Opportunity is right for you!


Download this ULTIMATE GUIDE Today and Discover if this High-paying Career  is Right for you!

New to DevOps and Cloud Engineering? Want to upskill and enter this lucrative field?

The job market for DevOps Engineers is extremely hot right now. There are far more job vacancies than qualified candidates leading to very high salaries and great job benefits even for people new in the DevOps field.

This easy-to-understand, life-changing free guide will walk you through the world of DevOps and Cloud Engineering so you can discover how this exciting Career Opportunity is right for you!


No coding knowledge, No tech skills, No time?

I'm here to help you land your dream job

Hi, I'm Prince, a Senior DevOps Engineer, and Founder and Lead Instructor here at CloudRock. But I was once just where you are right now, and I had 3 main challenges to overcome to get to where I am today"

  1. How was I ever going to learn and master all the "Techy stuff", pass interviews and do the job?
  2. With a full-time job and family life, where was I going to find the time in my busy schedule to learn everything I needed to learn? 
  3. What to study or focus on? Where to start? What was required knowledge, nice to know, and what was a waste of time?
Prince, founder of CloudRock Academy and Senior DevOps Engineer

And this is why I created the DevOps Accelerator Programme.

No coding knowledge, No tech skills, No time?

I'm here to help you land your dream job

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Hi, I'm Prince, a Senior DevOps Engineer, and Founder and Lead Instructor here at CloudRock. But I was once just where you are right now, and I had 3 main challenges to overcome to get to where I am today"

  1. How was I ever going to learn and master all the "Techy stuff", pass interviews and do the job?
  2. With a full-time job and family life, where was I going to find the time in my busy schedule to learn everything I needed to learn? 
  3. What to study or focus on? Where to start? What was required knowledge, nice to know, and what was a waste of time?

And this is why I created the DevOps Accelerator Programme.

Now I teach others, like you, to do the same. 

I started CloudRock Academy to help people who may be struggling to start new careers in Cloud Computing just as I was.

We will demystify technology and make it easy to learn and understand. We have also carefully reviewed the curriculum so that you only learn what you need to be great at your job and pass your certifications, and we've taken out all the fluff you don’t need to waste your time learning.

We deliver our courses in a hands-on learning approach in a live AWS environment, and we are very intentional about providing lots of personalised feedback and support along the way.


If you are serious about changing your life

with a new career in Cloud Technology
 and you are ready to learn,

then we are serious about supporting you

and giving you everything you need to succeed
faster without getting frustrated or overwhelmed along the way.

Learn more about our



This AWS Course is focused on equipping you with practical knowledge and expertise in designing and deploying scalable systems on the AWS platform and get you hired fast!

  • Plus you'll have everything you need to pass the latest version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-CO2 exam.  


In this Instructor-led Course, you will gain mastery of the most in-demand DevOps Tools and Skillsets 

  • Out of 100s of possible DevOps tools and skillsets, We have carefully selected the most effective and the most commonly requested by companies so that you qualify to apply for a large majority of open roles after completing the program.
Young man excited to learn more about a career in DevOps and Cloud Engineering

Are you ready for a new career in the red-hot world of DevOps & Cloud Computing?

Download your Free Beginners Guide Today!

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