Hi, I'm Prince

I am a Senior DevOps Engineer, Founder and Lead Instructor here at CloudRock. When I first started on my journey to become a DevOps Engineer, it was a huge struggle and I run into a number of hurdles:

I had no coding knowledge or experience. In fact, I had little to no Tech skills. Ok, I could turn on my computer, open outlook at work and get my job done with Microsoft Office Word and Excel but honestly, that was it. Headache number 1 was "How was I ever going to learn and master all the "Techy stuff" pass interviews and do the job?"

Next hurdle was where was I going to find the time in my busy schedule to learn all the new things I needed to learn? I already had my hands full with a full-time job and family life. My nights and weekends were fully booked.

When I made the decision to go for it and found a few hours here and there in my schedule to start studying, I ran into my 3rd problem - What to study or focus on! I couldn't figure out where to start. What has really required knowledge, what was nice to know and what was a waste of time! You won't believe how many hours I spent learning things I had no business learning! Argh. 

Hi, I'm Prince

I am a Senior DevOps Engineer, Founder and Lead Instructor here at CloudRock. When I first started on my journey to become a DevOps Engineer, it was a huge struggle and I run into a number of hurdles:

I had no coding knowledge or experience. In fact, I had little to no Tech skills. Ok, I could turn on my computer, open outlook at work and get my job done with Microsoft Office Word and Excel but honestly, that was it. Headache number 1 was "How was I ever going to learn and master all the "Techy stuff" pass interviews and do the job?"

Next hurdle was where was I going to find the time in my busy schedule to learn all the new things I needed to learn? I already had my hands full with a full-time job and family life. My nights and weekends were fully booked.

When I made the decision to go for it and found a few hours here and there in my schedule to start studying, I ran into my 3rd problem - What to study or focus on! I couldn't figure out where to start. What has really required knowledge, what was nice to know and what was a waste of time! You won't believe how many hours I spent learning things I had no business learning! Argh. 

Prince, Senior DevOps Engineer, founder of and lead instructor at CloudRock Academy

How I got here

The good news is that eventually (after nearly 3 long difficult years) I overcame all these hurdles and landed that dream job and now I teach others to do the same. I started CloudRock Academy to help people who may be struggling to start new careers in Cloud Computing just as I was. Our goal is to demystify technology and make it easy to learn and understand. We have also carefully reviewed the curriculum so that you only learn what you need to be great at your job and pass your certifications and taken out all the fluff you don’t need to waste your time learning. We deliver our courses in a hands-on learning approach in a live AWS environment and we are very intentional about providing lots of personalised feedback and support along the way.

If you are serious about changing your life with a new career in Cloud Technology and you are ready to learn, we are serious about supporting you and giving you everything you need to succeed faster without getting frustrated or overwhelmed along the way. 

How I got here

The good news is that eventually (after nearly 3 long difficult years) I overcame all these hurdles and landed that dream job and now I teach others to do the same. I started CloudRock Academy to help people who may be struggling to start new careers in Cloud Computing just as I was. Our goal is to demystify technology and make it easy to learn and understand. We have also carefully reviewed the curriculum so that you only learn what you need to be great at your job and pass your certifications and taken out all the fluff you don’t need to waste your time learning. We deliver our courses in a hands-on learning approach in a live AWS environment and we are very intentional about providing lots of personalised feedback and support along the way.

If you are serious about changing your life with a new career in Cloud Technology and you are ready to learn, we are serious about supporting you and giving you everything you need to succeed faster without getting frustrated or overwhelmed along the way. 

What My Students Say About Me

Successful student of CloudRock Academy, now a DevOps Engineer

The training and support I received from Prince enabled me to accelerate my career in months instead of years! Today, I earn double my previous salary!


Successful CloudRock Academy student and Cloud Engineer

They understand that we are all coming from different backgrounds so they break it down to your level so that you really understand the course.


Successful student of CloudRock Academy, now a DevOps Engineer

With the training and support I received from Prince, it has been possible for me to start a new career as a DevOps Engineer.


Meet the Rest of the Team

Naa Boakye, Operations & Customer Sucess Manager at CloudRock Academy

Naa Boakye - Operations and Customer Success Manager

Hi, I am Naa. I have over 14 years of experience leading Large, Strategic Change and Technology projects in Investment banking. I am excited about using my experience to support you throughout your journey with CloudRock Academy and as you transition into your first paying jobs in Cloud Technology.

Julius Addi, Program Mentor & Instructor at CloudRock Academy

Julius Addi - Program Mentor and Instructor

Hi, I am Julius. I understand perfectly how challenging it is to combine learning with a job and family responsibilities because I was also a student of Prince, with big dreams of earning a high salary as a DevOps engineer but with absolutely zero IT background. I enjoyed his teaching style and the class so much that I volunteered to support my fellow students as a TA (Teaching Assistant). After just 5 months on the DevOps Course, I received multiple job offers and now I work in the field with good prospects. I believe in the CloudRock courses and the Instructor so much that I have now joined the Team to provide my support to students as a Program Mentor and Instructor.

Rosina Appiah, Program Advisor & Customer Success Manager at CloudRock Academy

Rosina Appiah - Program Advisor and Customer Success Manager

Hi, I am Rosie. I have over a decade of experience owning and running multiple businesses and I am also a DevOps Engineer. I am passionate about customer service and supporting our students on their journey to master Cloud Technology and achieve their dreams and ambitions.

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computer science or any prior IT qualifications, you can become a Cloud Engineer with us!